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Nemar  Technology Group was founded in 1995 by José A. Hiraldo and Mike M. Morales both licensed mechanical engineers. The company is based out of San Juan, PR and comprised of nine employees including both Partners.  José and Mike, friends since college and with the same dream of serving the pharmaceutical industry, joined forces and chose Testing, Adjusting and Balancing (TAB) of air and hydronic systems and HEPA filter certification services as core business. The target market was the FDA Regulated Industry which, at the time had a big demand for these services and a small group of companies offering them.  By 1996 we were certified by the National Environmental Balancing Bureau in TAB and by 1997 had become the preferred choice of companies in the island like, Merck, Warner Lambert, CPI, Glaxo Smith Kline, Dupont Agrichemical and Shering among many others.

We kept expanding our services and in 2006 we became NEBB certified in Building Systems Commissioning.  Over the years, many of the mentioned clients have left the island and the number of companies offering the services is now more than five times the number back in 1995. As part of our efforts to keep up our core and adjacencies, we became NEBB certified in Cleanroom Testing in 2013.